
here is my sqlhosts file

demo_on onipcshm        on_hostname     on_servername
demo_se seipcpip        se_hostname     sqlexec
pmuk2         onsoctcp dbpmuk2.uk1.bibliotech.net     sqlexec     k=1

>Have you exported

no, usually i authenticate on the db server by adding a line to the .rhosts 
file belonging to root.
my "stores" database is empty, i use it only for testing connections.

i just tried seting these variables


and then set the password for the user informix on the db server to 123456 
(dbpmuk2.uk1.bibliotech.net is on a private network so nobody can get there). 
but i still get the same error as before :-

ESQLTEST Program Running:
@(#)$Id: esqltest.ec,v 2004.1 2004/11/16 22:29:43 jleffler Exp $
        $INFORMIXDIR is set to '/opt/informix'.
        $INFORMIXSERVER is set to 'pmuk2'.
        $DBI_DBNAME unset - defaulting to 'stores'.
        $DBD_INFORMIX_DATABASE set to 'stores'.
        $DBD_INFORMIX_DATABASE2 unset - defaulting to 'stores'.
        $DBD_INFORMIX_USERNAME is set to 'informix'.
        $DBD_INFORMIX_USERNAME2 is unset - defaulting to 'informix'.
        $DBD_INFORMIX_PASSWORD is set.
        $DBD_INFORMIX_PASSWORD2 is unset - defaulting to $DBD_INFORMIX_PASSWORD.
Testing connection to stores
        CONNECT TO 'stores' with user info
SQL: -908: Attempt to connect to database server (pmuk2) failed.
ISAM: 107: ISAM error:  record is locked.

Testing concurrent connection to stores
        CONNECT TO 'stores' with user info
SQL: -908: Attempt to connect to database server (pmuk2) failed.
ISAM: 107: ISAM error:  record is locked.

so then I tried setting DBD_INFORMIX_USERNAME to root and the password to the 
root password on the db server but still got the same error. here is the full 
output :-

[EMAIL PROTECTED] DBD-Informix-2005.02]# perl rmautoinst.pl Makefile.PL | perl -

Configuring IBM Informix Database Driver for Perl DBI Version 2005.02 
(2005-07-29) (aka DBD::Informix)
        You are using DBI version 1.53 and Perl version 5.008008
Remember to actually read the README file!

Perl:     perl v5.008008 i386-linux-thread-multi dl_dlopen.xs
System:   linux hs20-bc2-2.build.redhat.com 2.6.9-34.elsmp #1 smp fri feb 24 
16:56:28 est 2006 i686 i686 i386 gnulinux
Using INFORMIXDIR=/opt/informix and ESQL/C compiler esql
Using IBM Informix CSDK Version 2.90, IBM Informix-ESQL Version 2.90.UC2 from 

Beware: DBD::Informix is not yet aware of all the new IUS data types.

Assert macro will be disabled!

lib/DBD/Informix/Defaults.pm written OK
esqlvrsn.h written OK
esqlinfo.h written OK

Testing whether your Informix test environment will work...
esqlc: "esqltest.ec", line 109: Warning -33036: This line does not conform to 
ANSI X3.135-1989.
esqlc: "esqltest.ec", line 119: Warning -33036: This line does not conform to 
ANSI X3.135-1989.
2 warning(s)
esqlc: "esqlc_v6.ec", line 62: Warning -33036: This line does not conform to 
ANSI X3.135-1989.
esqlc: "esqlc_v6.ec", line 113: Warning -33036: This line does not conform to 
ANSI X3.135-1989.
esqlc: "esqlc_v6.ec", line 121: Warning -33036: This line does not conform to 
ANSI X3.135-1989.
esqlc: "esqlc_v6.ec", line 138: Warning -33036: This line does not conform to 
ANSI X3.135-1989.
esqlc: "esqlc_v6.ec", line 143: Warning -33036: This line does not conform to 
ANSI X3.135-1989.
esqlc: "esqlc_v6.ec", line 189: Warning -33036: This line does not conform to 
ANSI X3.135-1989.
esqlc: "esqlc_v6.ec", line 193: Warning -33036: This line does not conform to 
ANSI X3.135-1989.
esqlc: "esqlc_v6.ec", line 210: Warning -33036: This line does not conform to 
ANSI X3.135-1989.
esqlc: "esqlc_v6.ec", line 215: Warning -33036: This line does not conform to 
ANSI X3.135-1989.
9 warning(s)
ESQLTEST Program Running:
@(#)$Id: esqltest.ec,v 2004.1 2004/11/16 22:29:43 jleffler Exp $
        $INFORMIXDIR is set to '/opt/informix'.
        $INFORMIXSERVER is set to 'pmuk2'.
        $DBI_DBNAME unset - defaulting to 'stores'.
        $DBD_INFORMIX_DATABASE set to 'stores'.
        $DBD_INFORMIX_DATABASE2 unset - defaulting to 'stores'.
        $DBD_INFORMIX_USERNAME is set to 'root'.
        $DBD_INFORMIX_USERNAME2 is unset - defaulting to 'root'.
        $DBD_INFORMIX_PASSWORD is set.
        $DBD_INFORMIX_PASSWORD2 is unset - defaulting to $DBD_INFORMIX_PASSWORD.
Testing connection to stores
        CONNECT TO 'stores' with user info

SQL: -908: Attempt to connect to database server (pmuk2) failed.
ISAM: 107: ISAM error:  record is locked.

Testing concurrent connection to stores
        CONNECT TO 'stores' with user info
SQL: -908: Attempt to connect to database server (pmuk2) failed.
ISAM: 107: ISAM error:  record is locked.

*** Your Informix environment is not usable
*** You must fix it before building or testing DBD::Informix

The test program esqltest compiled successfully (which is good).
However, it did not run successfully (which is bad).

If the esqltest program did not produce any output:
        This suggests that there is a problem with the ESQL/C runtime
        environment, or with the database permissions (in which case, you
        should have seen diagnostics from the esqltest program itself).
        Consider whether the shared library path environment variable (eg
        LD_LIBRARY_PATH or SHLIB_PATH) is set correctly.

If the esqltest program did produce some output:
        This suggests that you do not have enough permissions in your
        Informix environment.  You really need DBA (at least RESOURCE)
        level privileges on the database you are using.

If you might be having problems with ESQL/C, try to compile and run
the simple ESQL/C program esqlbasic.ec, which has no Perl related
code in it at all -- it is a pure ESQL/C program:

                esql -o esqlbasic esqlbasic.ec && esqlbasic

If you cannot get that to work, then the problem is with ESQL/C
and not with DBD::Informix per se, and you need to get your ESQL/C
installation fixed so that you can compile and run the esqlbasic
program successfully.

Make sure you read the whole README file before asking the DBI/DBD
community for help!
[EMAIL PROTECTED] DBD-Informix-2005.02]#

On Mon, 29 Jan 2007 12:27:09 +0000 , "Tielman de Villiers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
>On 29/01/07, Oliver Howe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> i am having some problems installing DBD-Informix-2005.02 on fedora6.
>> i get stuck at "perl rmautoinst.pl Makefile.PL | perl -" when the esqltest 
>> program tries to
>> contact my stores database and times out.
>> this is what I do on fedora 4
>> perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::DBI'
>> groupadd -g 300 informix
>> useradd -u 200 -g 300 informix
>> source /etc/profile.d/informix.sh       - see below for this files content
>> vi /etc/services                        - i add "sqlexec 1526/tcp informix" 
>> at the bottom
>> mkdir /opt/informix
>> chown informix.informix /opt/informix/
>> cd /opt/informix/
>> tar xvf clientsdk.2.90.UC2.LINUX.tar
>> cd clientsdk.2.90.UC2.LINUX.tar
>> ./install_rpm
>> cd
>> tar xvzf DBD-Informix-2005.02.tar.gz
>> cp /opt/informix/etc/sqlhosts.std /opt/informix/etc/sqlhosts
>> vi /opt/informix/etc/sqlhosts           - i add the db server here
>> perl rmautoinst.pl Makefile.PL | perl -
>> make
>> make install
>> > cat /etc/profile.d/informix.sh
>> export INFORMIXDIR="/opt/informix"
>> export INFORMIXSERVER=pmuk2
>> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/informix/lib:/opt/informix/lib/esql/
>> PATH=/opt/informix/bin:${PATH}
>> export ACCEPTLICENSE=yes
>> export DBANSIWARN=""
>> export DBDATE="Y4MD-"
>> export CLIENT_LOCALE=en_us.utf8
>> export DB_LOCALE=en_us.utf8
>> >
>Have you exported
>Can you post your sqlhosts please?


Oliver Howe
Senior Systems Administrator

Tel: +44 (0) 79 7420 6484
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7664 7878

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