At 12:14 PM +0100 3/30/07, Tim Bunce wrote:
I've changed the version from '1.0.1' to '1.01' as I'd rather avoid
three-part numbers if we're not using
Also I needed to change the elsif to else in the mod_perl2 module
loading code to get it to work for my mod_perl1.

Tim, the best thing to do then is make it version 1.000001, which is equal to 1.0.1. That way, in the future when is ubiquitous and you want to switch back, it is seamless. Or if that is too long, then use 1.001 instead, which is equivalent to 1.1.0. But using 1.01, equal to 1.10.0, is just wrong and should be avoided, especially for new projects that don't have prior releases in 1.xx format. -- Darren Duncan

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