On Wed, Jun 06, 2007 at 07:45:45PM -0400, Wood, David wrote:
> It took us a while to whittle this down into a small test case; however,
> the fruits of labour seem to have paid off: 
> % perl -MDBI -e 'my $dbh =
> DBI->connect("dbi:Sybase:server=MYSERVER","janedoe","janepass"); my
> $arr_ref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("execute sp_who");  print
> @{$arr_ref->[0]},"\n"; 
> Can't locate object method "DELETE" via package "DBI::st" at -e line 1.

Excellent! Good small test cases lead to quick fixes...

The real bug here is an old one - almost 5 years old - in the DBI.
Here's a quick fix for DBD::Sybase 1.08 till DBI 1.57 is released:

--- dbdimp.c.orig       2007-04-19 11:31:19.000000000 -0700
+++ dbdimp.c    2007-06-07 03:40:57.000000000 -0700
@@ -3834,6 +3834,11 @@
        return Nullav;
+    /* workaround for bug in DBI < 1.57: fetch was called with outer    */
+    /* handle by XS versions of selectall_arrayref() etc.               */
+    if (SvMAGICAL(SvRV(sth)) && mg_find(SvRV(sth),'P'))
+        sth = mg_find(SvRV(sth),'P')->mg_obj;  /* switch to inner handle */
     ChopBlanks = DBIc_has(imp_sth, DBIcf_ChopBlanks);


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