I all,

I white the script:


use DBI;
use DBD::ODBC;

$dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:ODBC:DSN', 'user', 'pwd');

#$str_sql1 = '
#            declare @rownum int
#            SELECT   @rownum  = (select count(*)
#            from master..sysprocesses (nolock)
#            where loginame in (\'tngusu\',\'tngprod\',\'uback\'))
#            if @rownum > 0
#                   select @@Servername + \' NOK\' as conectividad_host
#            else
#                   select @@Servername + \' OK\' as conectividad_host
#                   ';

$str_sql1 = '
               declare @salida varchar(109)
               declare @Stop varchar(40)
               declare @Largo int

               set @Stop = \'Prueba CheckServer\'
               set @Largo = len(rtrim(@Stop))
               create table ##Tabla
                Resultado varchar(200)
               insert into ##Tabla exec  master..Svc_CICS \'SCCCECHO\',@Stop
                      case right(rtrim(Resultado),@Largo)
                              when @Stop then @@Servername + \' OK\'
                              else @@Servername + \' NOK\'
                      end as Conectividad_Host

               drop table ##Tabla

$sql1 = $dbh->prepare($str_sql1);

while ( @row = $sql1->fetchrow_array ) {
   print "@row\n";

Now I got the error:

DBD::ODBC::db prepare failed: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL
Server]Invalid object name '##Tabla'. (SQL-42S02)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Statement(s) could not
be prepared. (SQL-42000)(DBD: st_prepare/SQLPrepare err=-1) at
C:\Varios\scripts\Perl\DBI\UA\connect.pl line 44.
Can't call method "execute" on an undefined value at
C:\Varios\scripts\Perl\DBI\UA\connect.pl line 45.

When create a normal table it works just fine, but when try to create
a temporary table (#) it fail... I try putting the flag
odbc_exec_direct => 1 in the prepare statement but now the result
don't is empty....

Any suggestions about it? or code optimizations for the sql statement?

Note: The commented sql code works fine...


Hernan Dario A.

No matter how fast processors get,
software consistently finds new ways to eat up the extra speed

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