
I have bumped into sever issue with DBD::ODBC, the most important one is the
Unicode problem.

I found this patch by Alexander Foken
that is good so far except that it only works using binded values.
This example I added to the 41Unicode.t is broken.

  $dbh->do("INSERT INTO PERL_DBD_TABLE1 (i,nva,nvb,nvc) values (100,
'$data[0]', '$data[1]', '$data[2]')");
  my $xsth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT nva, nvb, nvc FROM PERL_DBD_TABLE1
WHERE i=?");
  my (@row) = $xsth->fetchrow_array;
  foreach my $i (0..2) {
     utf_eq_ok($row[$i],$data[$i],"value matches col $i");

(ok I know we should only use binded values but there are tons of code
working without so it would be nice if that worked as well.

Will someone who understnads this better than I do
release a version to CPAN? Even if that is only an unofficial
development release
(e.g. 1.14_01 )

Has Jeff Urlwin disappeared from the Perl world?


Gabor Szabo
Perl Training in Israel  http://www.pti.co.il/

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