Hi Gurus,

I need your help. I am using active perl 5.8.8, windowsXP second edition. I am 
trying to access an old app by using perl and odbc. I created a system DSN in 
ODBC data source administrator and I tested by using crstal report writer. 
Things are fine. I use DBI (1.58 & dbd-odbc is 1.13) through this DSN(odbc) to 
read an old dBaseIII file, only one record can be retrived while there are two 
in the file. The sql is the following: 

$sql="Select size, color, qty, totship from smtran02 where sono='S9190'  order 
by size, color";
$dbh=DBI->connect($dsn,$user,$pswrd,$driver,{RaiseError=>1}) or die "Database 
connection not made: $DBI::errstr";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);

do you know any thing about it or any idea how to access an old dBaseIII file? 

Samuel Zheng

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