Robert Hicks wrote:
> Garrett, Philip (MAN-Corporate) wrote:
>> Robert Hicks wrote:
>>> Does anyone have such a beast for Oracle? I am trying to eliminate
>>> the Perl/DBD::Oracle side of the equation for some problems in our
>>> app. I did a looping select 20,000 times and the same for an insert.
>>> I thought that someone might have a better script...
>> Have you tried the Benchmark module?  It's in the Perl core.
> That really doesn't load test but yes I am using it in my script.  I
> get something like:
> 50000 inserts in: 39 wallclock secs ( 8.60 usr +  1.23 sys =  9.83
> CPU) 50000 selects in: 76 wallclock secs (48.34 usr +  8.08 sys =
> 56.42 CPU) 

If you're looking to really load test your database, you can use (gasp!)
JMeter's jdbc sampler.  Of course that means you can't use your Perl

- Philip

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