On Mon, Aug 27, 2007 at 10:33:21AM -0700, Jeff Zucker wrote:
>    Tim Bunce wrote:
>  On Sun, Aug 26, 2007 at 11:41:08PM +0200, Bart Lateur wrote:
>  t/41prof_dump.............flock() unimplemented on this platform at
>  Try the appended patch and let me know if it works for you.
>  +my $HAS_FLOCK = do { local $@; eval { flock STDOUT, 0; 1 } };
>    While that's the method I use in DBD::File, there appear to be some
>    phantom problems with it.  I think that you can get a true value
>    for that but still not be able to call flock().  So I get (rare)
>    reports of tests hanging when flock() is called even if it is only
>    called when $HAS_FLOCK is true.  If I recall correctly, from users
>    with NFS.

With NFS and running the test in an NFS mounted filesystem, probably.
NFS implementations can suffer problems with lock daemons.

> I'm not sure if there is a good solution.

I've changed the code so the default can be overridden via an env var
and callers can force use of non-use of flock. That'll do for now.

Thanks Jeff.


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