Hey guys
I am trying to query a table using a database link, using the following code: use strict; use DBI; my $col_value = 'test'; my $query = 'select col_1,col_2,col_3 from [EMAIL PROTECTED] where col_1 = ?'; my $dbh = DBI ->connect ('dbi:Oracle:dbs','username','password',{ RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 }) || die "Database connetion not made: $DBI::errstr"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare ($query)|| die "Unable to prepare\n"; $sth->execute($col_value) or die "Can't execute SQL statement: $DBI::errstr Stopped\n"; my ($col_1,$col_2,$col_3); $sth->bind_columns(\($col_1,$col_2,$col_3))||die "Unable to fetch\n"; print "$col_1: $col_2 :$col_3\n" while $sth1->fetchrow_arrayref; $dbh->disconnect; Now what happens is that, the first time this program is run, it returns the correct result. However after the first successful run it fails to run again. It gives NO error, it just fails to return the rows. If a create a new link and use the new link in the query, it then works for the first run, and then fails after. The same thing happens if I decide to query a view that was created using the link. The link is connected to a 9I database. Perl version: 5.8.6 DBI version = 1.59 DBD:Oracle = 1.19 Regards, Ray