Sorry, forgot to include the list...
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Matthew Persico <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Oct 3, 2007 12:16 PM
Subject: Re: DBD::Sybase, serverType

> In 1.08 the only check is for ASE - so if you pass in anything else then
> fetching @@version and a few other things will not be done.

Can we standardize on

 ASE - Adaptive Server Enterprise
 ANY - Anywhere
 IQ  - IQ
 OS  - Open Server
 RS  - Replication server
 RA - Replication agent

Is there a difference between the last two? Do we need OS as a distinct option?

> In the next release you can also pass in RA - for ReplicationAgent. This
> will also turn off all ct_options() calls. I needed this to be able to talk
> to the Sybase Rep Agent for Oracle. This is a java app that reads the oracle
> redo logs and sends the data to Sybase replication server. The app can't
> handle ct_options() calls, and actually kills the connection if you use them
> (not good :-)
> Michael
> Extranet
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] - 02.10.2007 21:07
> To:        dbi-users
> cc:
> Subject:        DBD::Sybase, serverType
> From the docs:
> serverType
> Tell DBD::Sybase what the server type is. Defaults to ASE. Setting
>  it to something else will prevent certain actions (such as setting
>  options, fetching the ASE version via @@version, etc.) and avoid
>  spurious errors.
> Where can we find a list of the other types aside from "ASE"?
> --
>  Matthew O. Persico
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Matthew O. Persico

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