Hi Jeff,

thanks for your quick response. I thought you were busy, that's why I 
always included the DBI-list so bots can index it and everyone can find 
the patch.
I don't patch separately - the patches are cumulative, so it's enough to 
apply the last patch.

The way using a -CURRENT version from svn sound to a freebie like me 
absolutely perfect.
The guys who worked on the improvement were my collegue 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (office) and me (both: private and office). If 
you really want to put me in the credits, please use [EMAIL PROTECTED] - I 
don't use my mail-server for the moment but if you give me several weeks 
to fix it, I'll get it up and running before christmas ;)

Freundliche Grüße / Best Regards

Jens Rehsack

Fa. Manß & Partner
Phone: +49 - 214 - 30 - 46 193
Fax: +49 - 214 - 30 - 31 625
Web: http://www.BayerBBS.com

Geschäftsführung: Vorsitzender Andreas Resch   |   Arbeitsdirektor Norbert 
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Klaus Kühn
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Leverkusen   |   Amtsgericht Köln, HRB 49895

Jeff Zucker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
12.10.2007 10:01

[EMAIL PROTECTED], dbi-users@perl.org, 
Re: Next patch for SQL::Statement

Hi Jens,

Thank you for all the work you have put in to SQL::Statement, it sounds 
like great work. I have known for a long time that the joins could be 
improved and I'm glad that you did it.   I'm unfortunately at a very 
busy time personally - with two major site launches coming up this month 
and next so I have almost no time to keep up with working on my 
modules.  I'd like to include your patches and make a CPAN release as 
quickly as I can.  Realistically it may be several weeks before I have 
time to do any real testing.  To get some feedback quicker, I think what 
I will do is put the new version on perl.svn.org and then tell people on 
the DBI list and perlmonks (which may actually get more feedback) to try 
out your changes by downloading the SVN version.  Then I will test when 
I can and presumably move the SVN version to CPAN.  Does that sound like 
a good way to proceed? 

Just to check - If I patch 1.15 with your three patches, will I then end 
up with the version you have been using and testing?

I will want to thank you formally in the changes file when I make the 
release so please let me know how you would like the credits listed - if 
there are several people involved, if your company should or should not 
be credited, if you want your email listed, etc.

Thanks again for all the work.


> Hi Jeff,
> as I wrote you last time, we were a little bit unhappy with the method 
> join2tables(). Finally we looked over it a little and in our environment 

> it was possible to rewite the function as added in the patch.
> Because of we didn't really understand what NATURAL joins are, we 
> test all situations the function theoretically could handle. But the 
> current version we tested here over 3-4 weeks and it seems to be stable 
> and fully functional (for our requirements).
> I would be glad if you'll find the time to look over it and before 
> everyone may find it via Google in the perl-dbi mailing list (I googled 
> before writing the patch on my onw ;-)) so duplicate work may avoided.
> Best Regards
> Jens Rehsack

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