Not that I am offering you a solution, but with Oracle I have found the 
error messages are sometimes misleading.  For example I was helping a 
co-worker with code.  He wanted to call a stored procedure, so I sent 
him some example code that I had which called a function.  The function
I was calling returns a number so I use the :4 return in the code below.

    $cpyh = $self->{_Dbh}->prepare_cached( q{
                                    :4 := dots_ems.copy_project(:1, :2, :3);
                           }, undef, AllowActive)
                 or $self->__SetError("\nget_new_projnum() - prepare() failed : 

    $cpyh->bind_param(1, $self->{_Projnum});
    $cpyh->bind_param(2, 'NEWPRO');
    $cpyh->bind_param(3, '');
    $cpyh->bind_param_inout(4, \$proj_num, 10);

    return $proj_num;

My co-worker left the :4 param in thinking it would return a status.  When he 
ran the code
Oracle would return a error message indicating that there was not a function 
named (what ever
he named it).  I kept glazing over the error message, ran his code in debugger, 
and couldn't 
figure out why it wouldn't work.   Then it "slapped" me in the head, he is 
calling a procedure
not a function, there are returns from procedures.  As soon as the placeholder 
:4 was taken out
it worked.  I guess my point is Oracle assumed it was function, since there was 
out bind variable.
I think Oracle is making this assumption.  The error should have been 

"blah is a procedure and any idiot knows procedures don't return values."  

...or something like that and I would have known right away why the prepare was 


On Fri, 2008-01-25 at 17:47 +0000, Martin Evans wrote:
> John Scoles wrote:
> > I sort if expected that for the exec it is usualy only used withing SP
> > perhaps
> > 
> > "begin; exec(user.package.proctest(?)); end; "  ?? who knows
> same problem as without exec:
> PLS-00302: component 'PACKAGE' must be declared
> > The next error is usually a permission problem on the Oracle side. 
> > Either the use who is calling the SP dose not have execute permission 
> > for the package or something in the package (hard to debug that) or the 
> > present state of the package is stopping you from executing it.
> > 
> > you might want to try
> > 
> > GRANT execute  to the package
> > 
> > 
> > The fact that DBD is returning the error from Oracle usually means that 
> > DBD is running correctly.
> > 
> > Cheers
> It is not a permission issue.
> call user.package.proctest(?)
> works and
> begin user.package.proctest(?); end;
> fails with the error above.
> Thanks for the help though - it almost got me there. I'll keep 
> investigating.
> Martin

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