
I am having a bit of trouble using aggregate functions with DBI::CSV
(version 0.22) and could use some help figuring out why.

I have the following code snippet that queries a CSV file named
"masterdata", located at c:/test/output folder.

use DBI;

my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:CSV:f_dir=c:/test/output")
    or die "Cannot connect: " . $DBI::errstr();

my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT callingPartyUnicodeLoginUserID as user,
count(duration) as calls, sum(duration) as duration FROM cmasterdata WHERE
dateTimeOrigination > 1201979253 AND callingPartyUnicodeLoginUserID not like
'' group by callingPartyUnicodeLoginUserID order by calls desc")
    or die "Cannot prepare: " . $dbh->errstr();

eval {

if ($@) {
    print "error: [EMAIL PROTECTED]";


The execute() statement above fails with the following error message when
there are no matching records in the CSV file.

DBD::CSV::st execute failed: Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY
reference at C:/MYINST~1/objects/perl/ActivePerl- line 1197, <GEN0>
line 242.
 [for Statement "SELECT callingPartyUnicodeLoginUserID as
users,count(duration)as calls,sum(duration) as duration FROM masterdata
WHERE dateTimeOrigination > 1201991649 AND callingPartyUnicodeLoginUserID
not like '' group by callingPartyUnicodeLoginUserID order by calls desc"]

However, the code runs fine (on the same CSV file) if I remove aggregate
functions from the query. For example, the following query is fine:

SELECT callingPartyUnicodeLoginUserID as user, dateTimeOrigination  as
datetime FROM cmasterdata WHERE dateTimeOrigination > 1201979253 AND
callingPartyUnicodeLoginUserID not like ''

Is there a known issue with DBD::CSV where trying aggregate functions when
no matching records gives an error, or am I just doing something wrong here?


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