Thanks Martin
> wrote:
>> Thanks Martin I have added it to the Trunk
>> If you can test it that would be great
>> here is the file
>> Cheers John Scoles
> Tested fine.
> Martin
> --
> Martin J. Evans
> Easysoft Limited
>>> FYI, I've found another case of sqlplus not working with ORACLE_HOME
>>> set. When running Makefile.PL with Instant Client 10.1 on Linux I get:
>>> Using Oracle in /home/wez/oracle/instantclient10_1/
>>> SP2-0642: SQL*Plus internal error state 2165, context 4294967295:0:0
>>> Unable to proceed
>>> The problem is reproducible outside of DBD::Oracle just with sqlplus.
>>> The previous solution to unset ORACLE_HOME for the duration of running
>>> sqlplus to get the client lib version does this:
>>> if ($sqlplus_release =~ /SP2-0750/) {
>>>    my $x = $ENV{ORACLE_HOME};
>>>    delete $ENV{ORACLE_HOME};
>>>    $sqlplus_release = `$sqlplus_exe -S /nolog \...@define.sql 2>&1`;
>>>    $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} = $x;
>>> }
>>> If needs to check for SP2-0642 as well and that fixes it:
>>>          if ($sqlplus_release =~ /(SP2-0750)|(SP2-0642)/) {
>>> Hope this helps anyone else hitting this problem.
>>> Martin
>>> --
>>> Martin J. Evans
>>> Easysoft Limited

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