I *think* this used to work, but recently stopped working.  I have a program
that is designed to work on MS SQL Server.  My program prepares an array of
statement handle references by repeatedly interpolating several scalar
variables with placeholders:

for ( 0..$#uptabcol ) {
    $sqlcommand            =  "update $uptab set $upcol = ?";
    $sqlcommand           .=  ", $paqcol = ?";
    $sqlcommand           .=  " where $lucol = ?";
    $sth_upd[ $_ ]         =  $dbh->prepare( $sqlcommand );

Later, it executes the update statement handles using calculated and
looked-up placeholder values (which are sometimes NULL):

for ( 0..$#uptabcol ) {
    my @exargs         =  ( $linkedname );
    my ( $paqstatus )  =  $sth_paq[ $_ ]->fetchrow_array;
    push( @exargs, $paqstatus eq "" ? undef : $paqstatus );
    push( @exargs, $luval );
    $sth_upd[ $_ ]->execute( @exargs );

Please note that for reasons of brevity I have not shown preparation of the
$sth_paq statement handle, but it is correctly defined and prepared.  Also,
the where clause is never NULL, so that is not a problem here.  I'm simply
trying to update the values of the $upcol and $paqcol.  The $upcol value is
never NULL, but the $paqcol value is frequently NULL.

I'm pretty sure that passing a list, one of the values of which is undef,
used to work for setting the desired column value to NULL.  But I installed
my program on a new server last week and ran it over the weekend, only to
find that it skipped updating the $paqcol any time the update value was
NULL.  It didn't drop $exargs[2] down into the undefined position -- that
would have messed the whole thing up.  But it's definitely not updating the
value of $paqcol, because a trigger that I'm trying to avoid setting off by
updating $paqcol with *any* value is getting tripped every time $paqcol is
supposed to be NULL.

Any ideas?  Has something changed in the handling of undef/NULL?  Have I
been doing something wrong since the first release of my program, but dumb
luck has blinded me?


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