-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----                                
Hash: RIPEMD160                                                   

Version 2.14.0 of DBD::Pg has been released and is available on CPAN. 
This version fixes some major quoting problems and has other minor    
fixes. The complete list of changes:                                  

('GSM' is Greg Sabino Mullane, g...@turnstep.com)

2.14.0 Released July 27, 2009 (subversion r13130)

  - Make quoting of int, floats, and names much safer. (CPAN bug #41565) [GSM]
  - Make quoting of geometric types respect all valid chars (CPAN bug #41565) 
  - Fix quoting of booleans to respect more Perlish variants (CPAN bug #41565) 
  - Return ints and bools-cast-to-number from the db as true Perlish numbers.   
    (CPAN bug #47619) [GSM]                                                     
  - Fix backslash quoting of arrays (CPAN bug #46732) [GSM]                     
  - Fix error when destringifying array starting with '[x:y]='. Per report from 
    Jeff Trout [GSM]                                                            
  - Fix problem with foreign_key_info() and NAME_uc (CPAN bug #46109) [GSM]
  - Make foreign_key_info() respect FetchHashKeyName (CPAN bug #46103) [GSM]
  - Fix Makefile.PL to apply POSTGRES_INCLUDE in a saner way.
    (CPAN bug #45769) [gau...@cpan.org]
  - Improve Win32 README notes [Curtis Jewell]
  - Fix spelling error in type_info (CPAN bug #47786) 
  - Add functions to support MS VC++ 7.0 (CPAN bug #47858) [Taro Nishino]

CPAN location:


MD5 checksum:
6c58028bfce1a0638fc05bd950619aa6  DBD-Pg-2.14.0.tar.gz
SHA1 checksum:
fb0b48a5bef8f79a60709d1abc6197cafc79eb24  DBD-Pg-2.14.0.tar.gz

Remember to do a cpansign -v before you run the Makefile.PL
(see Module::Signature for more info)

- --
Greg Sabino Mullane g...@turnstep.com
End Point Corporation
PGP Key: 0x14964AC8 200907272241


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