Sorry for replying so late...

Looking in the list archive of, I found the reason for my observed bug:


"According to the SQL standard, PRIMARY KEY should imply NOT NULL. Unfortunately, due to a long-standing coding oversight, this is not the case in SQLite. SQLite allows NULL values in a PRIMARY KEY column. We could change SQLite to conform to the standard (and we might do so in the future), but by the time the oversight was discovered, SQLite was in such wide use that we feared breaking legacy code if we fixed the problem. So for now we have chosen to continue allowing NULLs in PRIMARY KEY columns. Developers should be aware, however, that we may change SQLite to conform to the SQL standard in future and should design new programs accordingly."

The problem is independend from the used datatype, INTEGER or CHAR or something else. The solution would be to add an extra NOT NULL to the PRIMARY KEY constraint, like this:

                a VARCHAR(4) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
                b VARCHAR(4) NOT NULL,
                c VARCHAR(4)

Not nice, but it is a way...




Mark Lawrence schrieb:
On Mon Oct 12, 2009 at 02:54:38PM +0200, Robert Roggenbuck wrote:
I detected that it is possible to enter NULL in a table-column defined as
PRIMARY KEY. Is it a bug or a feature of the "manifest typing" of SQLite? Or is there something in DBD::SQLite going wrong?

Most likely a 'feature' of SQLite. Running your code manually:

    sqlite> CREATE TABLE TestTable (
        ...>                 a INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
        ...>                 b INTEGER NOT NULL,
        ...>                 c INTEGER
        ...>                         );
    sqlite> INSERT INTO TestTable VALUES (NULL, 1, NULL);
    sqlite> select * from TestTable;
1 1 NULL
Reading it appears that SQLite has
an automatic 'autoincrement' feature. Why it converts NULL into auto is
beyond me. I would try perhaps try the same question at:

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