"Unable to get host address" means that you have a problem with your name resolver.

Try to ping the DB server by using the same name as in the connect string, and from the same machine your Perl script runs on. This will probably fail. If it does, you will have to set up one or more DNS server entries on that machine, or create / update the "hosts" file (/etc/hosts on Unix and derivates, %windir%/system32/drivers/etc/hosts on Windows). If you don't know what I'm talking about, contact the administrator of the machine running the Perl script.

If both database and DB server are on the same machine, use the string "localhost" as the hostname, or "".


On 28.01.2010 10:40, Faizel Isaacs wrote:


Hi There

This is my first attempt at connecting to a Teradata database. My DBI – connect string does not seem to work as expected as I’m getting a error back that states-: Unable to get host address, I’m not sure if I should add more attributes to the DNS parameters? My DBI connect string below. Any help would be much appreciated, I have included the port number before, data base to use etc. but still got the same error back “Unable to get host address”

my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Teradata:somehost.com","username", "password");

** Regards, **

** Faizel **

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Richard Feynman

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