
The ORA-03113 is most likely not cause by dbi/dbd-oracle directly. But what is causing the ORA-03113 needs to be tracked down and that will need you to do some tests. First lets see if this error occurs for all clob columns in the oracle-11 rac database. Create a simple table with a single clob columns and insert the same clob values that is failing into it via perl. If the insert works, then we need to take a look at what is wrong with the table that is failing. If it fails then we need to proceed to the next test, which is to see if it works with the client's sqlplus, the sqlplus that is part of the 9i client you are using with perl. If the client's sqlplus fails, then we need to see if its client version specific by installing a oracle 11 client and seeing if that sqlplus works. If it doens't then you need to file a bug with oracle and see about getting a patch as you have a repeatable test case. If it works with a new client sqlplus then you need to see if compiling a new dbd with the new client will also work. If it isn't a database bug its probably a compatibility between the 9i client and the oracle 11 rac database.



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