Martin Gainty wrote:
Hi Jeff-

the short answer is yes as Multi-threaded libraries are not same as 
SingleThreaded library which usually spawn n number processes to achieve the 
same goal for handling execution units
so if your perl script (assuming you'r running apache) is pegging the processor 
its probably a single-threaded program spawning off too many processes.NB: 
prefork spawns 150 at a time..

speaking of DBI..

i d'led Perls DBI from CPAN and perl to a makefile
my makefile is currently looking for Oracle.c but I can't seem to locate 
Oracle.c anywhere..
any clues as to where I can locate Oracle.c?

Oracle.c would be the automatically generated output from ExtUtils::ParseXS of the Oracle.xs file so I would expect it is missing

Looks like you would have to do the following

1) perl and make install DBI
2) do the same with the version of DBD::Oracle you wish to use.

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Subject: DBI & threads
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2010 09:52:52 -0400

When building DBI with threads enabled there is a warning against using
threads.  Is this really true - does anyone have any experience using
DBI with threads ?

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