Hi Pam,

Pam Wampler wrote:
What are the steps to install perl-DBD:Oracle on a centos 5 server?

I have the following oracle rpm's installed
rpm -qa | grep oracle
 when I try to install the following, I get
rpm -i  perl-DBD-Oracle-1.19-1.el5.i386.rpm
warning: perl-DBD-Oracle-1.19-1.el5.i386.rpm: Header V3 DSA signature:
NOKEY, key ID e42d547b

error: Failed dependencies:

        libclntsh.so.10.1 is needed by perl-DBD-Oracle-1.19-1.el5.i386

        libnnz10.so is needed by perl-DBD-Oracle-1.19-1.el5.i386

        libocci.so.10.1 is needed by perl-DBD-Oracle-1.19-1.el5.i386

        libociei.so is needed by perl-DBD-Oracle-1.19-1.el5.i386

        libocijdbc10.so is needed by perl-DBD-Oracle-1.19-1.el5.i386

I had similar problems on RHEL5 just recently. This is one of the few packages on RHEL5 where I'd recommend installing DBD::Oracle from CPAN rather than installing it as an .rpm

I wouldn't bother with oracle-instantclient11.2* unless you have to. I had no end of trouble with it, lots of wierd problems with disconnections (ORA-12540) and failing to connect to a know good listener (ORA-12541), with no joy debugging it at all.

Also after you've installed your oracle packages, you need to make sure
that your $ORACLE_HOME is pointing to the right place.

I didn't use $LD_LIBRARY_PATH, instead I added an entry in;
with all the paths to the libraries, eg:
# cat oracle.conf

then run;
 ldconfig -v | less
to confirm.

Then used cpan to download and unpack the module, cd'd in $HOME/.cpan/build/DBD-Oracle* and ran;
# make
# make install

Perhaps not very redhatty, but worked fine.



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