On Apr 30, 2010, at 1:26 PM, Parag Kalra wrote:

I am executing simple insert SQL queries in a loop

I have a simple requirement - While insert quieries are being executed, if any error occurs it should print that message and move to next insert sql
query. I am using DBD::Oracle on Unix

Try this instead of using $dbh->do().

(This presumes that $dbh is your working database handle, and the arrays @name, @address, @email, @custid are the arrays holding your data to be inserted into the table. $i is the number of rows you're inserting.)

$sqinsert = "Insert into foo (name, address, email, custid) values(?,?,?,?)";

$csr= $dbh->prepare($sqinsert);
        if($ora_errstr) {print "$ora_errstr happened with $sqinsert";}
        #this catches errors in the sql

for ($n=0;$n<$i;$n++){
if($ora_errstr) {print "$ora_errstr happened with data values $name[$n],$address[$n],$email[$n],$custid[$n]";}

I JUST did something similar yesterday dumping some data into our oracle database.

Heck, even if you don't trap the error with "if ($ora_errstr)..." Oracle DBI doesn't stop the script, it just doesn't work, and goes to the next statement.

Bruce Johnson
University of Arizona
College of Pharmacy
Information Technology Group

Institutions do not have opinions, merely customs

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