
Which version of Sybase, which version of Sybase OpenClient, and which version 
of DBD::Sybase?

Are you setting the connection charset to utf8 (in the connect() call?)



On Jun 3, 2010, at 5:22 PM, Dave Rolsky wrote:

> I'm working on an i18n project, and we use Sybase (sigh).
> Newer versions of Sybase have built-in support for Unicode with the 
> univarchar (and other uni*) type.
> However, it seems like DBD::Sybase doesn't have any support for this.
> Specifically, if I take a Perl unicode string (utf8 flag is on) and insert it 
> in a univarchar column, it seems to be inserted as raw bytes (or something).
> What's really bizarre is that when I select the value back I get something 
> like "0065006d00200064006100730068003a002000e200800094".
> Yes, that's a literal string containing a series of 2-digit hex numbers!
> I can translate this back to Perl unicode with this madness:
>    my $chars = do {
>        use bytes;
>        join q{}, map { chr( eval '0x' . $_ ) } $fromdb =~ /(....)/g;
>    };
>    my $unicode = decode( 'utf8', $chars );
> So the data is there, but not in a very usable form.
> Has anyone researched or solved this problem?
> Michael Peppler, if you're reading this, is there any work on supporting 
> Perl's unicode format transparently in DBD::Sybase?
> My employer might be able to pay to have this work done, if you're 
> interested. Alternately, maybe you could give me some hints and I could try 
> to figure it out.
> -dave
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Michael Peppler
Sybase on Linux FAQ: http://www.peppler.org/FAQ/linux.html

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