On Thu, 03 Jun 2010 20:12:51 +0200
Bart Lateur <bart.lat...@telenet.be> wrote:

> On Thu, 3 Jun 2010 11:55:47 +0300, Henri Asseily wrote:
> >If you're ok with one big transaction where if it fails you have to
> >redo it all, then just do the above.
> Well in the root post he did say:
> >1500 of these rows have faulty data.
> so I don't think it's OK to fail completely on an error... Unless the
> data gets prescreened. In Perl.

Thanks for all the responses. It was a one off exercise that roused my
curiosity which has now been satisfied.

SQLite is a great facility for my purposes, I don't know how it would
get on with gigabyte sized files, but certainly for smaller stuff and
general hack work, it and its perl interface are ideal


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