While trying to run a statistical calculation Perl script that I have been running for several years it started crashing. I spent some time to track down the problem to my Perl script selecting a fairly small value from a table and getting NULL in response. I wrote a simplified script that demonstrated the problem so I could experiment to see what was going on. Below is that script:

use DBI;
use English;
use strict;
no strict 'subs';

my ($dbh, $sth, $foobar);

$dbh = DBI->connect('DBI:ODBC:<database_name>', '', '', {RaiseError =>  1, 
AutoCommit =>  1});

$sth = $dbh->prepare("select 2.775557561562E-17");
$foobar = $sth->fetchrow;
print "foobar=$foobar\n";

$sth = $dbh->prepare("select 2.7755575615629E-17");
$foobar = $sth->fetchrow;
print "foobar=$foobar\n";


When I run this program the output is as follows:


It seems that when the mantissa of a number has too many significant digits DBI returns a NULL instead of the number. The only difference in the second case is the addition of an additional digit. This took some time to boil my problem down to this simple issue. Searching on the Internet has yet to yield any similar issues (with or without solutions). As a result I am appealing to this list to either point out something incredibly bone-headed that I am doing or to try to reproduce this in their environment and propose a solution.

Right now I am looking at dropping in a bunch of ROUND() functions in my SQL that is generating the number giving me fits but that seems to be more of a kludge workaround than a proper fix. Any thoughts from the deities on this list?

Before anybody asks, I'm running Perl v5.10.1 (with all the most recent module versions loaded through ppm) on a Windows 7 machine.

Thanks in advance for anybody spending time on this issue that is keeping me from doing useful work.


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