On 27/10/10 09:43, Andrew Schulman wrote:
> Hi.  First post here.
> We have the Oracle instant client installed and working fine
> on our s390x (aka s390 64-bit, zLinux) host. Now we want to use
> DBD::Oracle there, but I can't find any precompiled packages
> anywhere, and when we try to build it we get either
> The ORACLE_HOME environment variable value
> (/opt/Oracle/instantclient_10_2) is not valid.
> which is untrue; the ORACLE_HOME is valid, as I've verified by using
> sqlplus from there.  After faking $ORACLE_HOME/lib a bit, I get
> instead the dreaded
> Unable to locate an oracle.mk, proc.mk or other suitable *.mk file in
> your Oracle installation.

Which DBD::Oracle are you attempting to build?

So you've untarred the instantclient sqlplus, sdk and basic zip files?

and they all unzip into a single place /opt/Oracle/instantclient_10_2?

Did you check the permissions on the entire tree from /opt?

Did you set and export the ORACLE_HOME environment variable or LD_LIBRARY_PATH 
and if so what did you set it to? I would not set ORACLE_HOME but I would set 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH to /opt/Oracle/instantclient_10_2.

> And indeed I can't find any such files for s390(x). The instant
> client SDK doesn't have them, and neither does the full Oracle
> database product for s390 that's available for download.

You don't need them with instantclient - something else is wrong.
> Has anyone gotten DBD-Oracle working on zLinux/s390?  Can you point
> me to a precompiled package, or tell me where to find the files I
> seem to be missing in order to build it myself?
> Thanks, Andrew.

No, but I've used zLinux/s390 in the past and I'm fairly confident it is 

Look through my above suggestions and give them a try. If it still does not 
work show us what you did and what happened.

Martin J. Evans
Easysoft Limited

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