I have a perl CGI script that uses DBI, connects to a 10g database
and does some simple stuff.  It works.

I want to use Oracle Wallet so that my script does not have
the text of the username/password wired in.

This is on HP-UX and I am using Apache httpd.

I have modified the Apache configuration to use a new 
OS user when it starts the httpd daemon.
I have configured the new OS user to be able
to use Oracle Wallet.  I have tested that with SQLPlus and
it works.  I also have run the modified CGI script from the command
line as that OS user and it works fine.

But... (you knew it was coming!)  Running the CGI script
through the browser still gives me an invalid login error.

I think there must be some environment difference between
running the script from the command line and running
it as CGI but I can't see anything that looks promising.

1) am I nuts, is there a better way to do this?
2) any idea what needs adjustment?


Chris Howard

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