I'm using DBD::Informix and mod_perl and was having a problem with a
-1820 error (-1820: Host variable type has been changed between fetches
or puts) hitting a particular query on a second or subsequent execute of
a prepared statement.
So I decided to check the DBD build and running the make test I get
t/t93lvarchar.t ..... DBD::Informix::st fetchrow_hashref failed: SQL:
-1820: Host variable type has been changed between fetches or puts. at
line 669
Which is what I'm seeing with a fetchrow_array under mod perl
IBM Informix CSDK Version 3.50, IBM Informix-ESQL Version 3.50.UC8
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.70.FC1IE
This is perl, v5.8.8 built for i386-linux-thread-multi
Client is on Centos 5.2
under mod_perl I can make the problem 'go away' by re-preparing before
each execute, but that seems to be sub-optimal :-)
Anyone seen anything similar?