Hi there,

It's been a while since I first read about DBD::Gofer.

I will soon be reaching the point where we're saturating
the database with useless, maybe idle, connections, so
time has come to test-drive it in production.


- an apache/mod_perl/Plack/PSGI app, around ~500 req/s
  running on a few backends.

- on each backend, every child connects to the database.
For this particular app, 4 db connections to 2 different dbs are required:

    db1 master (write-only) + db1 slave (read-only)
  + db2 master (write-only) + db2 slave (read-only)

- 100 children * 4 = 400 connections per backend at startup

- The majority of use cases are not transactional and
  90% read/10% write, but I also have a few transactions,
  and that is going to increase soon.

I'd like to get some advice related to your experience
in using DBD::Gofer for connection pooling.

I'm thinking of running a per-backend Gofer-based server
that just pools connections to the DBs.

All the apache/mod_perl/PSGI children would then
connect to the local Gofer daemon over a unix socket
or maybe localhost:<someport>.



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