vinay parakoti schrieb am 06.04.2011 um 15:29 (+0530):
> We have an application that is running on IIS 6.0 with Perl (v5.6.1)
> as front end and SQL 2000 as back end. DB is located in another
> server.

5.6.1 appears antediluvian.

> In new server, customer wants to use latest verstions of softwares.
> So they had opted for IIS 7.0, Perl (v5.12.3).

Good customer. :-)

> "Can't call method "prepare" on an undefined value at lib/
> line 519 during global destruction" This is happening in one of the
> DESTROY method while we are trying capture some user data in to DB.

Consider moving that data capture code out of destroy to a more suitable
place, like some hook that is called at the end of the request or of the
process lifecycle. (You haven't told us what execution model you're
using, CGI or persistent process and if so which one?)

> Our DBI and DBD versions in old server are 1.48 and 1.06 where in new
> server it is 1.616 and 1.24 respectively.

One of the disadvantages with using such antique versions is that you're
not likely to find much other people still using that stuff.

Michael Ludwig

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