
On 29.04.2011 09:45, Rai, Vikrant (GIS, Technology Services India) wrote:
  I am really struggling to connect to database, I am not sure how to
ensure that I HAVE DBI sintalled and if not then how to make it activate
it on my machine, I have perl installed but when I give the following
command on my command prompt then

perl -e 'use DBI; print $DBI::VERSION,"\n";'   it gives following
errorcd c\
Can't find string terminator "'" anywhere before EOF at -e line 1.
On Windows, you need to use double quotes as the outermost quotes. Windows does not understand single quotes. So try:

perl -e "use DBI; print qq[$DBI::VERSION\n];"

or, if you have a recent perl:

perl -MDBI -E "say $DBI::VERSION"

Upper and lower case is significant! -E enables say, with -e, say is not available.

or just write the DBI version without a trailing newline:

perl -MDBI -e "print $DBI::VERSION"

or if you just want to know if *any* version of DBI is installed:

perl -MDBI -e 1

(No error: DBI installed. "Could not find ..." error message: DBI not installed. Works for any module.)

Also when I am exccuting a database program it gives the following
highlighted  error, any help on this will be higly appreciated...
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use dbi();
Wrong. Perl is case sensitive, but your underlying file system seems to be case insensitive.
DBI must be written with upper case letters.
use lib;
"use lib" is useless without arguments.

my $dbh = dbi->connect('dbi:Oracle:****',
Once again, Perl is case sensitive. The class name is DBI, not dbi. (Note that "dbi:Oracle:..." is correct.)
                           RaiseError =>  1,
                           AutoCommit =>  0
                       )|| die "Database connection not made:
The "|| die" construct is useless in combination with RaiseError set to 1, connect() will die on error by itself.

And again, Perl is case sensitive. The variable name is $DBI::errstr, and you should not use it according to the DBI docs: <URL:http://search.cpan.org/~timb/DBI-1.616/DBI.pm#DBI_Dynamic_Attributes>

my $sql = qq{ SELECT * FROM tab where rownum<3 };
Not related to your problem: Try to avoid SELECT *. It will cause maintainance trouble, your least problem will be that it often fetches far too much data.

Not related to your problem: Don't interpolate SQL, use placeholders.

my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $sql );
Not related to your problem: No need to pass a variable to prepare(), you can use a string constant instead.
Not related to your problem: Pass values for placeholders to execute.

Not related to your problem: Where do you fetch the data?
Name "dbi::errstr" used only once: possible typo at C:\seven.pl line 14.
Side effect of miss-spelling DBI as dbi.
Can't locate object method "connect" via package "dbi" at C:\seven.pl
line 7.


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