I'm using perl 5.8.8 with DBD::Sybase 1.09, and the SQL statement below appears to prepare and execute fine, but I've also just compiled a perl 5.14.1 with DBD::Sybase 1.12, and with the newer versions I get the following error on prepare:
DBD::Sybase::db prepare failed: Server message number=2401 severity=11 state=2 line=0 server=TESTASE text=Character set conversion is not available between client character set 'utf8' and server character set 'iso_1'. Server message number=2411 severity=10 state=1 line=0 server=TESTASE text=No conversions will be done. If I add ';charset=iso_1' to the dsn string on connect, then everything seems to work ok. I'm just wondering what changed the behavior (perl? DBD::Sybase?), and if I've handled it correctly or done something else wrong... Thanks... my $upd_sql = <<SQL; UPDATE my_table SET group_nbr = ?, last_ch_user = user, last_ch_date = getdate() WHERE primary_id = ? AND source_id = 100 SQL