This is all fine advice for performance tuning DBI app and worth doing.
But there's always a limit to what can be achieved on the client.
So it's worth exploring what can be done on the server side, beyond
standard tuning practices.

I wrote a high volume log insertion app using mysql many years ago.
I can't remember the performance figures, but it was fast.

A major cost of insertion is maintaining indices. So for maximum
insertion speed you want to have no indices. But to query the log
records you'll probably want indices.

The way I approached this was to have per-hour tables: log_YYYYMMDDHH
The loader streams the records into the table as fast as it can.
(From memory I used a multi-row INSERT statement, no placeholders.)
Every time it switches to a new hour it triggered the building of
indices on the previous hour's table. It also triggered recreating
per-day views (log_YYYYMMDD) that abstracted the hourly tables.

The same technique could be applied at whatever time granularity meets
your needs, from table-per day to table-per minute.

If you can delay the loading of the log data by whatever period you're
using (eg hourly) then you have the option of preparing the log data as
hourly text files and then, when each is complete, using a proprietary
bulk-loading tool to load it.


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