
The following perl script is used to connect to SQL server database using
DBI and DBD::ODBC modules.

*my *$dbh = DBI->*connect*("DBI:ODBC:Driver={SQL
Server};Server=$db_instance;Database=$db_name;UID=$db_user;PWD=$db_pass") or
*die*("\n\nCONNECT ERROR:\n\n$DBI::errstr");

I used the same syntax to connect to Teradata but I couldn't connect.

I have Installed the cli, teragss, and tdicu Teradata software packages on
my local machines on windows.

I edited windows etc/hosts file and added hostname and ip address entries.

But I receive the following error. Any ehlp is appreciated.

failed: [Teradata][ODBC Teradata Driver] Not enough information to log on
(SQL-28000) at line 46


Vineel Kota

On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 3:41 PM, Jeff Tate <> wrote:

> I am developing an app that pulls data from a Teradata data-server through
> DBI, DBD::ODBC. It is developed on a Win32 platform, but targeted for an AXI
> platform.****
> ** **
> In debugging a difference between the two platforms (after rigorous code
> identity policing) I used Data::Dumper to print the in-memory image of the
> working data after running a stored procedure and then running
> ’fetchrow_hashref’. I have attached an edited file that shows:****
> ** **
> **·         **One tag retrieved only on AIX****
> **·         **Two tags named differently across the Win and AIX instances*
> ***
> ** **
> I have looked at obvious sources and not seen any warnings about this. Can
> anybody tell me if this is a known issue, and if so whether there is a
> canonical way of handling it.****
> ** **
> Thanx****
> ** **
> Jeff Tate****
> CHAMPS-DW Project Manager****
> (415) 606 7621 (cell)****
> (517) 993-0946 (OI office)****
> (925) 887 6825 (eFax)****
> (scheduling)****
> ** **

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