On 29/03/12 22:45, Bruce Johnson wrote:
another odd error:

[for Statement "select distinct a.cn, a.email from admins a, resourceadminaffil r, 
resources r2, adminaffil a2, affils a3 where a.pid = r.pid and r.resource_id = 
r2.resource_id and a.pid = a2.pid and a2.affil_id = a3.affil_id and a3.affil_code in 
('1901','PHRM') and r2.resource_id =?" with ParamValues: :p1='149'] at 
/home/allwebfiles/perl/reserve2.pl line 124., referer: 

Execute is being called, so what else could cause this error?

Happens at:

my $sq_prefapp ="select distinct a.cn, a.email from admins a, resourceadminaffil r, 
resources r2, adminaffil a2, affils a3 where a.pid = r.pid and r.resource_id = 
r2.resource_id and a.pid = a2.pid and a2.affil_id = a3.affil_id and a3.affil_code in 
('$dept','$coll') and r2.resource_id =?";

my $csr_prefapp= $lda->prepare($sq_prefapp) or die $DBI::errstr;

my $sq_allapp ="select distinct a.cn, a.email from admins a, resourceadminaffil r, 
resources r2 where a.pid = r.pid and r.resource_id = r2.resource_id and r2.resource_id 

my $csr_allapp =$lda->prepare($sq_allapp) or die $DBI::errstr;
my ($have_pref, %approvers);

foreach $i (@resources){
        $csr_prefapp->execute($i) or die 
$DBI::errstr;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  I know this is being called, because 
the right value is in the ParamValues part of the error message

I'm not sure what you say here is correct. execute is a DBI method which will 
map to various other DBI methods (like bind_param) and then to various OCI 
calls (including describing the result). It is possible bind_param is called 
for you by DBI's execute but then the remainder of the execute does not 
complete or perhaps does not look like a select statement in the driver.

        while (($k, $j) = 
        if (!$have_pref){
                $csr_allapp->execute($i) or die $DBI::errstr;
                while (($k, $j) = $csr_prefapp->fetchrow()){$approvers{$k}=$j;}

At the end of the day the code in DBD::Oracle which issues this error is:

AV *
dbd_st_fetch(SV *sth, imp_sth_t *imp_sth){
        sword status;
        int num_fields = DBIc_NUM_FIELDS(imp_sth);
        int ChopBlanks;
        int err;
        int i;
        AV *av;

        /* Check that execute() was executed sucessfully. This also implies     
        /* that dbd_describe() executed sucessfuly so the memory buffers        
        /* are allocated and bound.                                             
        if ( !DBIc_ACTIVE(imp_sth) ) {
                oci_error(sth, NULL, OCI_ERROR, imp_sth->nested_cursor ?
                "nested cursor is defunct (parent row is no longer current)" :
                "no statement executing (perhaps you need to call execute 
                return Nullav;

So, as far as DBD::Oracle is concerned the statement handle is not active.

Perhaps setting ora_verbose before your code above and turning it off 
afterwards would help us see what is really happening.

Martin J. Evans
Easysoft Limited

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