Hi, Martin,

On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 1:39 PM, Martin J. Evans
<martin.ev...@easysoft.com> wrote:

> When I build against Oracle Instant Client I download the instant client
> from Oracle, unzip it in /home/martin. Then I set
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/martin/instantclient_11_2 and do
> perl Makefile.PL
> make
> Do you really want to use instant client or build directly against your
> oracle install - you seem, to me, to be mixing the two. There are issues
> building against a full Oracle install right now as I believe they (Oracle)
> have put the files required in different packages but I've never had any
> issues with InstantClient.

I'm actually not on the RDBMS server proper, but on an application
server running WebLogic. Whatever bits and pieces of Oracle are
installed on this machine, I'm not sure. Our division of labor makes
that a DBA task rather than a sysadmin task, which is also why I'm
installing with the rpms rather than unzipping into someplace
sensible, like /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1 (which is what I do on
machines I control). On this machine, /opt/oracle is a DBA
responsibility. (As always, the human problems are more difficult that
the technical problems.)

Now, on reading what you wrote, I got to thinking, and tried changing
LD_LIBRARY_PATH from this:


to this:


What that bought me was that Makefile.PL could no longer find sqlplus.
Possibly that's no use, but it's where my thought processes took me.

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