I'm at my wits end. I've pulled every trick I know (which ain't many) and I still can't get this working. Please, for the love of pete (and my sanity) help with this.

I'm building a web page that has a series of checkboxes each with a day of the week. Pretty straightforward, right? Well, from that page I'm passing the params to a CGI script that does this:

my %attrs = (
        shift_name => $q->param('shift_name'),
        shift_beg => $q->param('shift_beg'),
        shift_end => $q->param('shift_end'),
        shift_days => $q->param('dow'),
        factory_id => $q->param('factory'),

From there I pass a reference to the hash to a subroutine ($dao->insert_shift(\%attrs);

Here's where it blows up.  This is the sub:

sub insert_shift {
      my $self = shift;
      my($attrs) = @_;

      my $m = $self->schema->resultset('Shifts')->new($attrs);

From here it gets inserted into a DB table (called shifts, obviously).

Here's my problem, with the original %attrs I was getting the 'dow' params but the insert into the DB bombs because the param('dow') isn't a scalar(?). I did have someone tell me that I needed the line:

shift_days => $q->param('dow'),

to be:

shift_days => [ $q->param('dow') ],

At that point I get all the data inserted into the database EXCEPT the DOW (day of week) parameter, which I only get this: ARRAY(0x9517d38)

This is where I'm stuck. I know I need to dereference that hash, but for the life of me I can't figure it out.

Early on, when I realized that the 'dow' was being passed as an array I tried to convert that array into a string, but it never did work. At least i couldn't make it work.

Does anyone have some idea on what I should do next? At this point, I'll try anything short of shooting my dog.



Mark Haney
Software Developer/Consultant
AB Emblem
Linux marius.homelinux 3.3.8-1.fc16.x86_64 GNU/Linux

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