This code fragment:

        my $csr_resendlist=$lda->prepare("select rl.reservation_id, 
h.disp_hour_end  from reslist rl, hourofday h where rl.time_block 
-trunc(rl.time_block)= h.jfrac_hour and  rl.reservation_id =? and  
trunc(rl.time_block) = ? and rl.time_block >= ? and rl.last_block = 1 order by 
        until ($last_block){
                ($last_block, $res_end)=$csr_resendlist->fetchrow();
                if ($last_block ==1){$showreslist{$evt_count}{'end'} = 

Is giving me the error:

Sat Jun 30 20:39:21 2012] [error] [client] DBD::Oracle::st 
fetchrow failed: ERROR no statement executing (perhaps you need to call execute 
first) [for Statement "select rl.reservation_id, h.disp_hour_end  from reslist 
rl, hourofday h where rl.time_block -trunc(rl.time_block)= h.jfrac_hour and  
rl.reservation_id =? and  trunc(rl.time_block) = ? and rl.time_block >= ? and 
rl.last_block = 1 order by time_block" with ParamValues: :p1='2456108.333328', 
:p2='2456108', :p3='248227'] at /home/allwebfiles/perl/ line 
195, <DATA> line 558., referer:
[Sat Jun 30 20:39:21 2012] [error] [client] DBD::Oracle::st 
fetchrow failed: ERROR no statement executing (perhaps you need to call execute 
first) [for Statement "select rl.reservation_id, h.disp_hour_end  from reslist 
rl, hourofday h where rl.time_block -trunc(rl.time_block)= h.jfrac_hour and  
rl.reservation_id =? and  trunc(rl.time_block) = ? and rl.time_block >= ? and 
rl.last_block = 1 order by time_block" with ParamValues: :p1='2456108.333328', 
:p2='2456108', :p3='248227'] at /home/allwebfiles/perl/ line 
195, <DATA> line 558., referer:

Clearly I am executing the thing, it has the param values!

(the query works in DB visualizer with the param values plugged into the right 
place...this is driving me mad...I'm supposed to be on vacation., [Belushi/]But 
Nooooooooo![/Belushi] I have to debug code....)

Bruce Johnson

"Wherever you go, there you are" B. Banzai,  PhD

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