godperl7 schrieb am 21.07.2012 um 23:30 (+0800):
> according to what you said.
> if the database handler was interrupted by accident before the
> implement of the script, To Dancer:Plugin:Database the only need to do
> is to obtain a new connection. And reperformance the script from the
> place where the last database connection handler was interrupted.
> Do i understand right?

The program will try to reconnect. If you want it to resume where you
were interrupted you have to provide logic for this in your program.
Your question is abstract, so it's hard to give advice. There are big
issues in this area, like transaction control.

> Because i have no real programming experience and database maintenance
> experience, i find it hard to understant these.

I would always recommend to go step by step, laying the foundations
before jumping to advanced topic. I lost time whenever I didn't follow
that rule.

Pick a good guide. I haven't read this one but I trust the author:

Programming the Perl DBI - Tim Bunce, Alligator Descartes

Good luck,


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