file: $CPAN/authors/id/T/TI/TIMB/DBI-1.623.tar.gz
  size: 596517 bytes
   md5: b45654dca3b495f3d496c359f0029d96

=head2 Changes in DBI 1.623 (svn r15547) 2nd Jan 2012

  Fixed RT#64330 - ping wipes out errstr (Martin J. Evans).
  Fixed RT#75868 - DBD::Proxy shouldn't call connected() on the server.
  Fixed RT#80474 - segfault in DESTROY with threads.
  Fixed RT#81516 - Test failures due to hash randomisation in perl 5.17.6
    thanks to Jens Rehsack and H.Merijn Brand and feedback on IRC
  Fixed RT#81724 - Handle copy-on-write scalars (sprout)
  Fixed unused variable / self-assignment compiler warnings.
  Fixed default table_info in DBI::DBD::SqlEngine which passed NAMES
    attribute instead of NAME to DBD::Sponge RT72343 (Martin J. Evans)

  Corrected a spelling error thanks to Chris Sanders.
  Corrected typo in DBI->installed_versions docs RT#78825
    thanks to Jan Dubois.

  Refactored table meta information management from DBD::File into
    DBI::DBD::SqlEngine (H.Merijn Brand, Jens Rehsack)
  Pevent undefined f_dir being used in opendir (H.Merijn Brand)

  Added logic to force destruction of children before parents
    during global destruction. See RT#75614.
  Added DBD::File Plugin-Support for table names and data sources
    (Jens Rehsack, #dbi Team)
  Added new tests to 08keeperr for RT#64330
    thanks to Kenichi Ishigaki.
  Added extra internal handle type check, RT#79952
    thanks to Reini Urban.
  Added cubrid_ registered prefix for DBD::cubrid, RT#78453

  Removed internal _not_impl method (Martin J. Evans).

  NOTE: The "old-style" DBD::DBM attributes 'dbm_ext' and 'dbm_lockfile'
    have been deprecated for several years and their use will now generate
    a warning.



Many thanks to all those who have contributed to the DBI and drivers
this year, especially Jens Rehsack, H.Merijn Brand and Martin J. Evans.

Happy New Year. 


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