file: $CPAN/authors/id/T/TI/TIMB/DBI-1.628.tar.gz
  size: 586733 bytes
   md5: 4273f8cc6ee3979ce448c7eb3f8a6a5a

=head2 Changes in DBI 1.628 - 22nd July 2013

    Fixed missing fields on partial insert via DBI::DBD::SqlEngine
        engines (DBD::CSV, DBD::DBM etc.) [H.Merijn Brand, Jens Rehsack]
    Fixed stack corruption on callbacks RT#85562 RT#84974 [Aaron Schweiger]
    Fixed DBI::SQL::Nano_::Statement handling of "0" [Jens Rehsack]
    Fixed exit op precedence in test RT#87029 [Reni Urban]

    Added support for finding tables in multiple directories
        via new DBD::File f_dir_search attribute [H.Merijn Brand]
    Enable compiling by C++ RT#84285 [Kurt Jaeger]

    Typo fixes in pod and comment [David Steinbrunner]
    Change DBI's docs to refer to git not svn [H.Merijn Brand]
    Clarify bind_col TYPE attribute is sticky [Martin J. Evans]
    Fixed reference to $sth in selectall_arrayref docs RT#84873
    Spelling fixes [Ville Skyttä]
    Changed $VERSIONs to hardcoded strings [H.Merijn Brand]




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