----- Forwarded message from reist87 <reis...@gmail.com> -----

Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 17:31:11 +0600
From: reist87 <reis...@gmail.com>
To: tim.bu...@pobox.com
Subject: DBD::Gofer

   Hi, Tim.
   Sorry for my English, I am russian)
   We have program on consumer computer, which connected to MS SQL database. 
But this database came under
   the responsibility of another department now. And we can't connect to this 
database directly, due to
   safety concerns.
   We want to put a third computer(proxy server) in order to client connect to 
database through it.. That
   is, as a client_comp <-> DBD::Gofer_comp <-> MSSQL_comp. Will this work?
   Thank you.

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