On Aug 2, 2014, at 10:15 PM, Patrick Galbraith wrote:

> Dear Pert and MySQL community,
> I”m pleased to announce the release of DBD::mysql 4.028. This release 
> includes several fixes, per change log:
>  * Fixed bug in mysql.xs where dbh was being used as error code

Thanks. I was seeing a mysterious error that a failure of connect() was 
returning the object rather than undef. It's now gone after upgrading.

> * RT #97570: fix wrong salloc free in mysql_st_internal_execute - (Reini 
> Urban, cPanel)
> * Fix RT #97625 use-after-free in mysql_dr_error, and #86153 - (Reini Urban, 
> cPanel)
> * find mysql.h for MariaDB on Win32 (Graham Ollis)
> * Update mysql.pm to work with ipv6 and ipv4 addresses (katyavoid)
> I want to thank Reini Urban, Graham Ollis, and Katyavoid for their pull 
> requests and contributions to DBD::mysql!
> Please feel free to visit:
>  http://search.cpan.org/~capttofu/DBD-mysql-4.028/
> And as always:
> https://github.com/perl5-dbi/DBD-mysql.git
> Regards,
> Patrick Galbraith

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