On 16/11/14 23:59, Kurt Starsinic wrote:
Hi all,

I've been using DBI with DBD::Sybase and SQL Server, and discovered a
couple of issues. I will be happy to offer a patch if I can get some
consensus on what the correct resolutions are:

The DBI docs say that foreign_key_info() can take from 3 to 7
arguments, but the code demands 6 or 7 (even though many of the
arguments can be undef). My opinion is that the docs are good and the
code is broken. Any objections on this point?

The docs say:

  $sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info( $pk_catalog, $pk_schema, $pk_table
                               , $fk_catalog, $fk_schema, $fk_table );

Perhaps you are referring to "If both PKT and FKT are given" or the examples:

  $sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info( undef, $user, 'master');
  $sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info( undef, undef,   undef , undef, $user, 
  $sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info( undef, $user, 'master', undef, $user, 

The addition of \%attr on the end of foreign_key_info is probably what is 
dictating the minimum of 6 so I think the example with 3 arguments is probably 
wrong. Also the ODBC API for SQLForeignKeys takes the same 6 arguments.

Also, at least with SQL Server, foreign_key_info() returns columns
[FP]KTABLE_SCHEMA and [FP]KTABLE_CAT. I think the driver should
rewrite the column names. Does anybody disagree?

They are the old ODBC 2 names for the columns. You can certainly get those with 
DBD::ODBC with very old drivers. The ODBC docs say:

"The following columns have been renamed for ODBC 3.x. The column name changes do 
not affect backward compatibility because applications bind by column number."

As the DBD::ODBC maintainer I would prefer not to have to map ODBC 2 names to 3 
- it would set a precedent that would lead to many other changes.

Thanks, Kurt Starsinic


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