On Thu, Feb 05, 2015 at 12:23:40AM -0000, Greg Sabino Mullane wrote:
> As you may have heard, Larry Wall gave a speech recently declaring 
> the goal of releasing Perl 6 this year, 2015. Honestly, there 
> is little chance of me using Perl 6 until it has a good, working 
> DBI. Anyone know the state of things with DBI and Perl6? Is the 
> goal still to implement what is basically DBI v2, or perhaps 
> someone is working on a simple port of the existing DBI? Is 
> a working DBI even on their list of blocker features for a release?

On MoarVM the perl5 DBI can be accessed via the Inline::Perl5 module.
That probably counts as a "reasonable working DBI" :)

Back in 2007 I said this:

Then in 2010 I said this:

I still think that's the right way to go, for all the reasons expressed
in the slides.

What's missing is a team of people with the right skill willing to work
on it.  I've had little time to do more than the tinkering I've already
done and I'm severely hampered by knowing ~zero perl6 or Java.

Volunteers are most welcome to express interest on the dbi-dev mailing list.


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