I've uploaded DBI-1.633_91 to CPAN. It contains a couple of experimental changes I'd like feedback on: https://metacpan.org/changes/release/TIMB/DBI-1.633_91
Enabled strictures on all modules (Jose Luis Perez Diez) #22 Note that this might cause new exceptions in existing code. Please take time for extra testing before deploying to production. Improve handling of row count on 32bit int systems, add sanity check warn Relevant if "perl -V:'i(nt|v)size'" reports different sizes and either you execute statements that might affect >=2,147,483,648 rows. Please build it, install it, test it, and let us know how it goes. cpanm https://cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/T/TI/TIMB/DBI-1.633_91.tar.gz Thanks! Tim.