Excellent suggestion and exactly what I did moments before it came in.

Thanks all

On 4/5/16 9:50 AM, Geoffrey Rommel wrote
The general rule for using parameter markers ('?'s) is that a parameter marker can appear wherever a literal can appear. (As far as I know, this is true in any ANSI-compliant database; it goes back to the early years of DB2 and SQL/DS.) The substituted parameters are equivalent to literals. Hence, it makes sense that MySQL would interpret the list of values as a single string.

One way of getting around this would be to substitute the value in the perl script before passing it to the database:

"select sum(column) as columnSum from table where value in ( $ValueIDs ) and row_date between cast( ? as date) and cast( ? as date) "); ... but this might not be appropriate in your application.

On Tue, Apr 5, 2016 at 12:24 PM, Bruce Ferrell <bferr...@baywinds.org <mailto:bferr...@baywinds.org>> wrote:

    I'm generating a sql statement like this:

    sth  = $mysql_dbh->prepare(
    "select sum(column) as columnSum from table where value in ( ? )
    and row_date between cast( ? as date) and cast( ? as date) ");

    sth->execute( $ValueIDs ,$week_start_date,$week_end_date);

    $ValueIDs is a series of unquoted values:


    When observed at the mysql server, the sql appears as follows:

    select sum(column) as columnSum where value in (
    ) and row_date between cast( '2016-03-29' as date) and
    cast( '2016-04-05' as date)

    resulting in no data being returned.

    When the sql is manually entered as follows:

    select sum(column) as columnSum where value in (
    ) and row_date between cast( '2016-03-29' as date) and
    cast( '2016-04-05' as date)

    The correct values are returned.

    How can I suppress the quoting for the IN clause?

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