I suspect that it's due more to the database normalising the column name before the DBD even sees it. Try this statement instead:
        select 1 as "CamelCase"

On 28/02/17 20:26, Jonas B. Nielsen wrote:
Hi Nomad,

Thanks a lot.

This is what I need, but not what I am observing. I will do some more testing, 
with the FetchHashKeyName set to NAME against SQLite. Then I will try to redo 
the test against Oracle, I know DBD::Oracle defaults to uppercase, so I might 
not be able to skip my translation dictionary anyway if NAME is not supported 
and works as for DBD::SQLite

I reread the section on the docs 
(https://metacpan.org/pod/DBI#FetchHashKeyName), and now it makes sense.

IMHO that NAME preserves casing is not completely clear due to the focus on 
NAME_uc and NAME_lc and recommendation on their use.

Anyway thanks for the push in the right direction.


On 28 Feb 2017, at 21:13, no...@null.net wrote:

On Tue Feb 28, 2017 at 07:37:17PM +0100, Jonas B. Nielsen wrote:

- Would it be possible to have FetchHashKeyName preserve case? so if
a database was using camelCase this would be preserved.

A quick test seems to produce what you are looking for with the default
setting of "NAME":

   #!/usr/bin/env perl
   use strict;
   use warnings;
   use Data::Dumper;
   use DBI;

   my $db  = DBI->connect('dbi:SQLite:db=:memory:');
   my $sth = $db->prepare(q{SELECT 1 AS CamelCase});

   print Dumper( $sth->fetchrow_hashref );

   # Output is:
   # $VAR1 = {
   #          'CamelCase' => 1
   #        };

What kind of behaviour were you expecting?

Mark Lawrence

pauseid: JONASBN
email: jona...@cpan.org
twitter: @jonasbn
blog: https://lastmover.wordpress.com/

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