I like to know: has anyone been able to get DBD::Oracle working on AIX (6 
and/or 7) using the xlc compiler, *without* having to set LIBPATH *at runtime*? 
 I am able to get it to work by setting LIBPATH, but that's very distasteful 
and I'm trying to find a way to avoid it.
On RHEL Linux, I'm able to avoid setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH, so I would think that 
I could do the same on AIX, but so far I haven't been successful.
I am able to load the Oracle driver without LIBPATH, but DBI->connect fails 

DBI connect(...) failed: ERROR OCIEnvNlsCreate. Check ORACLE_HOME (Linux) env 
var  or PATH (Windows) and or NLS settings, permissions, etc. at -e line 30
connection error: ERROR OCIEnvNlsCreate. Check ORACLE_HOME (Linux) env var  or 
PATH (Windows) and or NLS settings, permissions, etc.

I can provide more details if someone thinks it's possible.
Thanks!-- John

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