On Thu, Sep 06, 2007 at 02:10:32AM +0200, A. Pagaltzis wrote:
> * Jason Kohles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-08-22 16:35]:
> > There is probably a cleaner way, but this is how I'm doing it
> > at the moment...
> There certainly is.
>     sub update_profiles {
>         my ( $self, @profiles ) = @_;
>         my %new_profile = map { ( $_, $_ ) } @profiles;
>         # first kill existing profile links that don't show up in the new list
>         $self->profiles->search( { profile_id => { -not_in => @profile } } 
> )->delete;
>         # then disregard profile links that are still in the database
>         delete @new_profile{ map { $_->profile_id } $self->profiles };
>         # and finally create the ones that aren't yet
>         $self->add_to_profiles( { profile_id => $_ } ) for values 
> %new_profile;
>         return $self;
>     }
> Untested.

I think we really need to look at providing set_foos and remove_from_foos
methods for has_many as well as many_many and trying to get them to share
common code. They are after all both resultset-based.

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